It feeds my fear,
I've to start my gear,
To prepare for better.
So its saturday ald! Two more days until the final exam.
Good luck to all PMR-er outside there.
I hope u've all prepared n ready.
I'm starting to regret why i hardly study.
I dun even understand whts Thermal Equilibrium,
Cant remember prefixes and loads more.
OH MAI GAWD! I'm gonna die failing.
Went to visit Jonathan, of coz with a reason,
To ask him burn some stuff for me n also STUDY!
Yay! Too bad it ended up vice-versa,
Instead of studying, I'm playin KOF with Jonathan,
The burning process also didnt turned up well.
My mind is so empty,
I wan to study,
but i'm overcomed by lazy.
I spent hours looking at my room's window,
I spent hours looking at my room's window,
Can u see how lame i am?
I'm actually stoning in front of my room's window for hours,
Damn! I'm wasting my time!
Wake up! Wake up!
Stop dreamin' and start studyin.
How I wish she was studying with me.
To have her is like having an angel beside,
Helping me, give me strength to strive on,
Life never seems to be easy!
So to you all kidz outside,
be grateful with wht u ar and wht u're havin.
I'll stop blogging here, kinda tired.
Once again, good luck to all PMR-er and those who are having exams.
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