Wednesday, July 1, 2009


[Whats with the title?]
You mean 'Will'?
Its about a joke I'll tell,
Will you relax? Why so tense? Haha =__=

I saw this joke some day ago,
its funny so I decided to post it here.

Will, aged 7 and his parents went to watch a movie,
it was bloody,
spears impaled to heads, swords stabbed on chest,
Will was very terrified, as innocent as always,
he cried. His father, [haha...=__=]
comforted him and said,
"Relax child, its not real"
It works well until the second war begins,
the Commander said "FIRE AT WILL!"

Maybe its not funny for you,
but for me, it is.
Respect my funny bones please
haha... =)

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