I've been playing a custom campaign,
The Chosen Ones created by Aeroblyctos,
It was a cool campaign,
Featuring custom spells, items,
Awesome gameplay, cinematic, and storyline.
For people who had ample of free time,
Give this custom campaign a try.
If you found any bug,
You can post it here.
Interested? Check and download it here.
Each chapters might take 1-2 hours to complete,
That is if you dont use cheats.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The Lonely Boy
Browsing through the news,
I found this article which caught my attention,
The lonely life of a six-year-old boy
I found this article which caught my attention,
The lonely life of a six-year-old boy

I was shocked,
A six year old kid who live independently,
He had HIV and lived alone but yet,
So determined to live,
Compare him to us, who are we?
We're in a better position,
Yes, but do we really enjoyed what we had?
I had friends and I do see them, yet I'm lonely at times.
Ironically, the boy's name is Ah Long.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Laugh Like We Used To
I found some funny things through the web,
And would like to share it with you guys =)
I brought a herb belt,
It was a waist of thyme.
Dracula died and was sent to heaven,
He was granted two wish by the god,
Hmm, I still want to suck blood,
After having a hard time thinking,
He decided,
Well, I want all the girls in the world to like me
*Poof* He turned into a sanitary pad
My grandmother thinks that
Lol = Lots of Love.
One day,
Aunt May died and she sent me a message,
"Dear Hannah, Aunt May just died
yesterday. I hope she'll rest in peace, Lol.
Thats all I had,
Have a good day.
And would like to share it with you guys =)
I brought a herb belt,
It was a waist of thyme.
Dracula died and was sent to heaven,
He was granted two wish by the god,
Hmm, I still want to suck blood,
After having a hard time thinking,
He decided,
Well, I want all the girls in the world to like me
*Poof* He turned into a sanitary pad
My grandmother thinks that
Lol = Lots of Love.
One day,
Aunt May died and she sent me a message,
"Dear Hannah, Aunt May just died
yesterday. I hope she'll rest in peace, Lol.
Thats all I had,
Have a good day.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Accident
An accident involving a car and a bus took place,
Many people were injured,
Some died of fatality,
One man who lost his arm screamed,
I lost my arm! *sniffle*
How can god do this to me?!
Seeing the poor man,
Another guy walked to him and said,
Come on! Dont be sad,
See the guy over there?
He lost his head and he is not crying...
Many people were injured,
Some died of fatality,
One man who lost his arm screamed,
I lost my arm! *sniffle*
How can god do this to me?!
Seeing the poor man,
Another guy walked to him and said,
Come on! Dont be sad,
See the guy over there?
He lost his head and he is not crying...
The Friday Night Boys broke up,
I'm so speechless and saddened.
For more informations,
Visit this page.
For you guys who doesnt know about this band,
I recommend listening their songs first,
1) That's what she said
2) Superman (Save You)
3) Stuttering
4) Finding Me Out
I'm so speechless and saddened.
For more informations,
Visit this page.
For you guys who doesnt know about this band,
I recommend listening their songs first,
1) That's what she said
2) Superman (Save You)
3) Stuttering
4) Finding Me Out
Friday, September 24, 2010
Mid Autumn Festival
And so it ended successfully,
Emcee-ing was very fun,
You get to talk to the audience,
You're the focus point of everybody,
[Mind you, I'm not an attention seeker xD]
It was a blast, bomb, whatever you call it.
One thing I'm attracted to is the theme,
When the Moon is full, All Mankind are one
Hmm... 1Msia? o.0

Emcee-ing was very fun,
You get to talk to the audience,
You're the focus point of everybody,
[Mind you, I'm not an attention seeker xD]
It was a blast, bomb, whatever you call it.
One thing I'm attracted to is the theme,
When the Moon is full, All Mankind are one
Hmm... 1Msia? o.0

The committee members,
Spot me please !! ;)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Resident Evil

Watched this movie,
Pretty good, had a good shock,
Especially when Alice was at the bathroom,
When she notice a guy there and suddenly
A zombie pop out,
I screamed OH MY GOD! LOL ;)
Not bad anyways,
This movie kinda reminds me of watermelons,
Since I see alot of head burst off with gun shots.

Well, pictures? xD
Its been a while...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Given by my lecturer during
the team building exercise,
very challenging.
==>Highlight for answers<==
1) A women was pulling her car on the road,
when she stopped at the hotel, she realised
she was bankrupt. Why?
Think of monopoly
2) Jeff, Paul and Richie lives together.
One day, Richie found Paul dead with a pool of water,
and broken glasses scattered around Paul.
Richie knew this was Jeff's work but he
didnt report to the police. Why?
Paul is a fish
3) An aeroplane crashed, every 40
single person was killed. Miraculously,
2 person survived. Why?
They're a couple
4) I have keys, but no locks,
You can enter, but you cant come in,
I have spaces, what am I?
That is all I can remember,
Have fun guessing ;)
the team building exercise,
very challenging.
==>Highlight for answers<==
1) A women was pulling her car on the road,
when she stopped at the hotel, she realised
she was bankrupt. Why?
Think of monopoly
2) Jeff, Paul and Richie lives together.
One day, Richie found Paul dead with a pool of water,
and broken glasses scattered around Paul.
Richie knew this was Jeff's work but he
didnt report to the police. Why?
Paul is a fish
3) An aeroplane crashed, every 40
single person was killed. Miraculously,
2 person survived. Why?
They're a couple
4) I have keys, but no locks,
You can enter, but you cant come in,
I have spaces, what am I?
That is all I can remember,
Have fun guessing ;)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Three Seconds
Hey people, [especially girls]
I need to know something,
I came across a rule,
Three Second Rule
We only have three seconds to approach a hot guy/girl,
From the time him/her is in line of sight,
Otherwise, it begins to be creepy.
Is that seriously true?
I need to know something,
I came across a rule,
Three Second Rule
We only have three seconds to approach a hot guy/girl,
From the time him/her is in line of sight,
Otherwise, it begins to be creepy.
Is that seriously true?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Like We Used To
Its been a while,
I missed my school friends,
Where they update me with new songs,
Now I'm left alone,
Finding new songs to listen.
I would like to share one song,
A Rocket to The Moon - Like We Used To
Listen to it guys! ;)
I missed my school friends,
Where they update me with new songs,
Now I'm left alone,
Finding new songs to listen.
I would like to share one song,
A Rocket to The Moon - Like We Used To
Listen to it guys! ;)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A Realisation
Me: Hey, how's things?
Him: Not bad, I'm all good.
Me: So, any good stuffs to share?
Him: Yea!
Me: Tell me!
Him: WTF!
Me: What the F@#$?
Him: Nope!
Me: Then?
Him: WTF = Welcome to Facebook!
Me: Great... =__=
Him: Not bad, I'm all good.
Me: So, any good stuffs to share?
Him: Yea!
Me: Tell me!
Him: WTF!
Me: What the F@#$?
Him: Nope!
Me: Then?
Him: WTF = Welcome to Facebook!
Me: Great... =__=
Close call
Some jokes I would to share,
Remember laughter is the best medicine,
[Since I'm having a flu currently]
Smile when your funny bones were tickled,
[A smile exercises part of the muscles in the face]
No wonder jokes were never enough.
~~Here is the first one~~
Helping Jeff doing some online registration,
I asked him what would you like for id and password,
He replied,
ID: jeff@hotmail.com
Password: mickeyrobinbatmantomjerrypopeyeLondon
Noticing the super long password he gave,
I asked "Why is the password so long?"
Jeff replied "Because it said I need 6 characters and 1 capital..."
Uncle Paul squabbles with his neighbour, Jon.
The case goes to court, and Paul is ordered to
apologize to his neighbour. He ask the judge
if he can do this by a phone call. The judge
says yes.
In the evening, Paul dials the neighbour's number:
Paul: Hello, may I speak with Michael?
Someone else: No, wrong number.
Paul: Then I'm sorry.
Maybe I'll continue next time....
Remember laughter is the best medicine,
[Since I'm having a flu currently]
Smile when your funny bones were tickled,
[A smile exercises part of the muscles in the face]
No wonder jokes were never enough.
~~Here is the first one~~
Helping Jeff doing some online registration,
I asked him what would you like for id and password,
He replied,
ID: jeff@hotmail.com
Password: mickeyrobinbatmantomjerrypopeyeLondon
Noticing the super long password he gave,
I asked "Why is the password so long?"
Jeff replied "Because it said I need 6 characters and 1 capital..."
Uncle Paul squabbles with his neighbour, Jon.
The case goes to court, and Paul is ordered to
apologize to his neighbour. He ask the judge
if he can do this by a phone call. The judge
says yes.
In the evening, Paul dials the neighbour's number:
Paul: Hello, may I speak with Michael?
Someone else: No, wrong number.
Paul: Then I'm sorry.
Maybe I'll continue next time....
Saturday, July 24, 2010
We'll Be A Dream
Saw a pickup line,
Are you a magnet?
Because I'm attracted to you..
Haha :D

Peoples: Me, Jon and Mike
Venue : Mid Valley
Movie : The Sorcerer's Apprentice
1) Freaking awesome and hilarious.
2) Nicholas Cage is a professional Actor
3) Magical!
4) Go buy a ticket now and watch!

People: Me, Jon, Mike and Dan
Venue: Mid V
Movie: Inception
Very impressive, like how the newspaper rated,
Five out of five, this movie really deserved it,
Might be boring for the first hour,
[Explaining this and that]
I would say its true,
One quote,
"You wake up, you cant remember the beginning of the dream."
If you havent watch this,
Watch it, or you'll miss one great movie.
Are you a magnet?
Because I'm attracted to you..
Haha :D

Peoples: Me, Jon and Mike
Venue : Mid Valley
Movie : The Sorcerer's Apprentice
1) Freaking awesome and hilarious.
2) Nicholas Cage is a professional Actor
3) Magical!
4) Go buy a ticket now and watch!

People: Me, Jon, Mike and Dan
Venue: Mid V
Movie: Inception
Very impressive, like how the newspaper rated,
Five out of five, this movie really deserved it,
Might be boring for the first hour,
[Explaining this and that]
I would say its true,
One quote,
"You wake up, you cant remember the beginning of the dream."
If you havent watch this,
Watch it, or you'll miss one great movie.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Blogging here from Genting Highland,
It was a surprised from my parents to me,
My dad booked two tickets for
Dazzle, A Mystifying Journey
Easy to say, A superb magic show.

The far left person,
Name's Ernesto Planas,
He's so cool man and he did a superb umbrella show,
And for the second appearance,
He came down the stage,
[Reason: For us to see magics clearer]
Performed awesome magics right in front of the audience,
Lastly, he randomly picked a person,
Suprising, he picked ME! [yay!]
Firstly, I'm tasked to follow his action,
Do some butt shake, and some obscenities LoL
Then he took a coat and put it on me,
[His hand were outside, my hands were hidden inside]
And then the fun begins,
Left pocket, he took out a ball,
Ask me to blow, I blowed, Balls gone!!
[I see it like FOR REAL!]
Right picket, he took another similar ball,
Ask me blow again, I blowed, he throw away! :D
Then he do the MJ stunt (on me),
[You know, the d*** touching stunt]
Dont get me wrong.....
Next, he took a string of paper and ask me to bite it,
[Oh ya, from the start, he was behind me, hiding]
Following the command, I bit it,
Then miraculously that particular string of paper
turned into a large roll of paper!
[in my mouth!]
And he pulled the paper out,
It was like FREAKING long!
Finished pulling out,
He did that MJ stunt again =__=
The best experience I've ever had,
I'm dazzled....
Please don't pay attention bout the MJ thingy...
Do watch this magic show,
You'll be thrilled.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Breached the Boredom Line
1 class in the morning, 1 in the afternoon,
1 during the night, why?!
Why cant they be continuous with 1-2 hours break?
College is BORING! =__=
And I stucked in my college for a week,
Without USB mouse and no entertainment,
And attending computer classes!
Learning how to make Flyers in Microsoft Word!
It feels like primary school though,
Where teachers taught us those things.
Cant wait to watch The Last Airbender..
1 during the night, why?!
Why cant they be continuous with 1-2 hours break?
College is BORING! =__=
And I stucked in my college for a week,
Without USB mouse and no entertainment,
And attending computer classes!
Learning how to make Flyers in Microsoft Word!
It feels like primary school though,
Where teachers taught us those things.
Cant wait to watch The Last Airbender..
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Entering Eighteen
Back to the olden days when I'm younger,
I used to admire the 18 years old people,
Because I've went to many clubs and karaokes,
Together with my parents,
They have good figures, countless friends,
Enjoy life, doing anything without obstacles,
And everytime I see them,
I would whisper to myself,
"I cant wait to reach 18 in my life"
And yea! The wait is over,
It feels good, I've almost what I've said above.
I kinda prefer the candid me.
Name: Chocolate Bliss
I want to live a blissful live,
And strawberries and cherries never fails to destress me.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Baba Vanga's Predictions
Please read the link first,
It seems that her predictions,
So far, still quite accurate.
Don't know whether its a hoax or what,
But it seems that World War 3 is nearing,
She predicted that World War III will
Start: November 2010
End: October 2014
Is it gonna take place? I think it will,
Judging from the Korean country,
North and South will be a battlefield,
With outsider from China and Russia,
Whatever it is,
We'll see what happens on the Nov 2010...
It seems that her predictions,
So far, still quite accurate.
Don't know whether its a hoax or what,
But it seems that World War 3 is nearing,
She predicted that World War III will
Start: November 2010
End: October 2014
Is it gonna take place? I think it will,
Judging from the Korean country,
North and South will be a battlefield,
With outsider from China and Russia,
Whatever it is,
We'll see what happens on the Nov 2010...
Situation 1
Jon: Alan, cant come, *reasons*
Me: Kay, I understand
Situation 2 (6.48am Morning!!)
Mike: Wei, Dan cant come.
Me: Zzz, so you coming?
Mike: I cant come, but I can reach there by 10am.
Me: What the...so you coming or not?!
Mike: Coming la...hahahahah...
Me: Hang...
Left only Mike, E, J, and Me.
Stalled at Mid Valley,
Watched The A-team,
Freaking awesome and hilarious,
Nice plans, cool ideas,
3D-movies... (Watch it, and you'll know)
I still cant get it,
Why is Mike's eyes semi-closed?
And the smile, Oh gosh!
Torturous! Because our cheeks
were too tired to laugh.
(A-team was full of hilarious scenes)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Holidays Here
Thursday, June 3, 2010
One Two Five
1 Place, 2 Weeks, 3 Movies,
4th Floor, 5th Time Arcade....
Haha...just nice :)
Watched this two weeks ago,
Funny thing is?
I watch this three movie in the same cinema,
With different friends from different place,
All of them suggested Mid Valley, not me..
What a coincidence..
4th Floor, 5th Time Arcade....
Haha...just nice :)

Today watched Happy Go Lucky,
With two other college friends,
Its pretty interesting though,
Mostly talks about how gambling affects life.

This movie owns!
My friend told me Jake did all those stunts
without any strings or ropes tied to him,
Is it true?
And its said that he practised for years,
Overall the story is damn cool,
Watched this two weeks ago,
Together with Dan and Mike,
And its still fresh in my mind whats in this movie,
Those who havent watch this,
Go watch! Its a must!
Funny thing is?
I watch this three movie in the same cinema,
With different friends from different place,
All of them suggested Mid Valley, not me..
What a coincidence..
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Puke In My Mouth
Found this video,
In response to Jizz in My Pants,
Haha, didnt realize its been a year since its release,
Puke In My Mouth (the Girl version)
Just trying to promote, dont sue me :P
I like that yoga part!
So hilarious! Especially the inner-thigh part,
Totally owns ;)
In response to Jizz in My Pants,
Haha, didnt realize its been a year since its release,
Puke In My Mouth (the Girl version)
Just trying to promote, dont sue me :P
I like that yoga part!
So hilarious! Especially the inner-thigh part,
Totally owns ;)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Seeking Forgiveness
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Walking Around
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Mock Interview
That process is so awkward,
I keep stuttering,
With the hmm's and ah's,
The interviewer really caught me off guard,
Interviewer: Do you think that smile really helps?
What if a person just died?
Will you smile to them instead?
A: Oh, (paused) I'm sorry :(
Anyway, it was a good interview,
At least I gained some experience on it,
And I'll prepare for the worse next time.
I keep stuttering,
With the hmm's and ah's,
The interviewer really caught me off guard,
Interviewer: Do you think that smile really helps?
What if a person just died?
Will you smile to them instead?
A: Oh, (paused) I'm sorry :(
Anyway, it was a good interview,
At least I gained some experience on it,
And I'll prepare for the worse next time.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I sing, They Dance
Went out with KLIUC friends today,
Times Square was the place,
Took a KLIUC bus from KLIUC to KTM Sungai Besi,
KLIUC bus is seriously convenient,
Two of its station is KTM Sungai Besi, LRT Serdang,
Which is just nice for us to head to TS.
The first checkpoint,
Since they couldnt decide where to have lunch,
I told them to come here,
Next is Neway karaoke!
It was a blast,
And at least I managed to sing songs
I've wanted to sing since NS.
From left: Me, Lannes, Nicholas, Yi and Daniel
And some camwhore after the session :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I'm stucked in KLIUC for a week,
Without my lappy,
Been sent to repair due to some hard disk prob,
Currently surfing the web through the computer lab,
Facebook had been blocked,
But I managed to enter it through a secret,
Life without lappy is EXTREMELY boring :'(
Did my First presentation yesterday,
Glad it went well, excluding the video part,
(The video cannot be played T_T)
This is the link to that video =)
Have fun watching it (Might be lame)
My presentation title is about Ghost.
Without my lappy,
Been sent to repair due to some hard disk prob,
Currently surfing the web through the computer lab,
Facebook had been blocked,
But I managed to enter it through a secret,
Life without lappy is EXTREMELY boring :'(
Did my First presentation yesterday,
Glad it went well, excluding the video part,
(The video cannot be played T_T)
This is the link to that video =)
Have fun watching it (Might be lame)
My presentation title is about Ghost.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Over You
Current Addiction:
Over You - Chris Daughtry
I broke up with her,
Feel free again,
Those stupid feelings will diminish slowly,
Its time to get back to the old Dragon,
Being emo and 'jiwang' sucks to the max,
Its time to concentrate on college now,
Tonight I'm going to Karaoke =)
Gonna sing my heart out.
Over You - Chris Daughtry
I broke up with her,
Feel free again,
Those stupid feelings will diminish slowly,
Its time to get back to the old Dragon,
Being emo and 'jiwang' sucks to the max,
Its time to concentrate on college now,
Tonight I'm going to Karaoke =)
Gonna sing my heart out.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Whats wrong with me?
Behind all the hate,
I still miss her deeply,
Cant stop thinking about her,
Like a boomerang,
Every morning I woke up,
Saying I'm getting over her,
But every night before I sleep,
I misses her.
Instead, I ran back to her,
Like a boomerang,
And like all the time she've done,
She treated me coldly,
I felt so cheap, Love hurts though
Behind all the hate,
I still miss her deeply,
Cant stop thinking about her,
Like a boomerang,
Every morning I woke up,
Saying I'm getting over her,
But every night before I sleep,
I misses her.
Instead, I ran back to her,
Like a boomerang,
And like all the time she've done,
She treated me coldly,
I felt so cheap, Love hurts though
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Just A Second
Afternoon everybody!
Attended the second lecture in KLIUC today,
Just came back from the cafeteria,
Made lots of friends today =)
My Location: Hostel
Online Speed: Low :`(
Mood: Boring
Craving for: Chocolate Shake ^^
Assignments to do: 9 !!
Heard of When In Rome?
The song in it I'm paying attention to,
Stupid Love Letter - The Friday Night Boys
Man! I love that song!
Attended the second lecture in KLIUC today,
Just came back from the cafeteria,
Made lots of friends today =)
My Location: Hostel
Online Speed: Low :`(
Mood: Boring
Craving for: Chocolate Shake ^^
Assignments to do: 9 !!
Heard of When In Rome?
The song in it I'm paying attention to,
Stupid Love Letter - The Friday Night Boys
Man! I love that song!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Induction Week
Hi guys!
One Month had passed,
A week of Induction (Orientation actually) passed,
Wake up early every morning,
Sleep late every night, (after midnight)
Would say its a very boring week,
Nothing much to say here.
One Month had passed,
I still miss NS deeply,
Cant stop thinking of what I've done there,
My favourite picture currently ;)
My favourite picture currently ;)
And to All Ex-La Sallians,
I damn miss you all,
Now only like left 4-5 people I'm still in contact,
Where are you guys?
Friday, April 2, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Just Another Day
Continue from Previous Post~~
After the movie,
Hoe was extremely hungry,
From Times Square, we headed to Sungei Wang,
Walked around looking for food,
We ended up in a T.Bowl Restaurant,
(A Toilet Bowl Restaurant Concept)
I was like,
Eww! Sitting on a toilet bowl?
Eating fried rice from a mini-sized toilet bowl?
I dont kinda like the idea of it =__=
Service? Very slow
Food? Moderate
This is its website http://www.t-bowl.com/
Wandered around those shops after eating,
Yang suggested some shorts to me,
Tried and paired it up with some shirts,
Wow! That was like the first time,
I felt myself like some modernised teenager.
Unlike my usual apek-like style.
Thats all, cant remember much after that.
After the movie,
Hoe was extremely hungry,
From Times Square, we headed to Sungei Wang,
Walked around looking for food,
We ended up in a T.Bowl Restaurant,
(A Toilet Bowl Restaurant Concept)
I was like,
Eww! Sitting on a toilet bowl?
Eating fried rice from a mini-sized toilet bowl?
I dont kinda like the idea of it =__=
Service? Very slow
Food? Moderate
This is its website http://www.t-bowl.com/
Wandered around those shops after eating,
Yang suggested some shorts to me,
Tried and paired it up with some shirts,
Wow! That was like the first time,
I felt myself like some modernised teenager.
Unlike my usual apek-like style.
Thats all, cant remember much after that.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Lovely Peoples
I guess its time for me,

To update my long forgotten blog.
Went to school to settle those books prob,
After that Jon and I headed to MV,
Watch The Lovely Bones,

Two words for that movie,
Over and Exaggerated.
Anyways, I missed MV,
Its been 2 1/2 months since NS.
Met up with Hoe, took U73 to KL Sentral,
Hang Tuah station, he went off to meet his girl,
Imbi Station, thats it!
I'm there, Times Square!
Met with Yang, chilled out in Gasoline,
Quenched my thirst with a Chocolate Shake,
Waited for the other members of ex-NS to come,
Once everyone gathered together,
Headed to GSC to buy movie tickets,
Its 1:50pm and they bought a 4o'clock movie, =__=
Played snooker with Hoe, Yang, Jun,
[Lol to the way Hoe cue-shooting style!]
Watched Just Another Pandora's Box,
This movie rocks though!\\
The whole duration was like laugh and laugh.
Oh! Its 3 in the afternoon already,
I gotta go for my daily driving training,
It sucked since I came back from NS,
To be continue later..
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Further Studying
Oh gosh!
I'm entering KLIUC,
To study Corporate Communication,
(Something like Mass Comm)
For 2 and a half years,
Wish me luck for that!
Fall in love sucks!
I never knew love can be so DAMN complicated,
But I can confirm one thing,
This relationship,
Wont last for a long time...
Forget it,
I'm concentrating on studying now,
No more wandering around like a ghost..
I'm entering KLIUC,
To study Corporate Communication,
(Something like Mass Comm)
For 2 and a half years,
Wish me luck for that!
Fall in love sucks!
I never knew love can be so DAMN complicated,
But I can confirm one thing,
This relationship,
Wont last for a long time...
Forget it,
I'm concentrating on studying now,
No more wandering around like a ghost..
Friday, March 12, 2010
Friends From Far
And so I'm back from Sandakan,
Trying to get used to my usual life,
Its hard to believe 72 days had passed,
Many unexpected things happened,
Now what was left,
Was only memories...
From Left: Yang, Chun, Hoe, Me, Gene and Kham
They were my five best friends in NS,
We came from different place,
Gathered here, shaved our heads,
And crafted many unforgettable memories.
We came from different place,
Gathered here, shaved our heads,
And crafted many unforgettable memories.
I guess some of you readers know this,
I obeys to FRANCE,
And it meant
Friendship Remains And Never Can End..
Saturday, February 13, 2010
PLKN Break
Hi guys!
Currently I'm in some Sandakan Cyber Cafe,
Having a one week break from NS.
NS is not that bad anyway,
It rocks man!
I met a lot of friends,
And learnt lots of stuffs,
Time flies,
Cant believe its been a month here already,
My bald head managed to grow to like 3cm?
Anyways, I'll stop here,
Times running out here >.<
Currently I'm in some Sandakan Cyber Cafe,
Having a one week break from NS.
NS is not that bad anyway,
It rocks man!
I met a lot of friends,
And learnt lots of stuffs,
Time flies,
Cant believe its been a month here already,
My bald head managed to grow to like 3cm?
Anyways, I'll stop here,
Times running out here >.<
Friday, January 1, 2010
Programmed to be Lame
Time flies,
In just a blink of eye,
Left just only one day here,
Blogging now is weird,
I should be checking what I've packed,
And by the way,
I found two very interesting pictures,
Check it out!
In just a blink of eye,
Left just only one day here,
Blogging now is weird,
I should be checking what I've packed,
And by the way,
I found two very interesting pictures,
Check it out!
And this is the coolest name ever,
I don't know whether its photoshopped or not,
Afterall, it doesnt look like photoshopped to me.
And finally,
Being lame is fun,
But that doesnt mean I'm born to be lame,
Its an addiction, not a habit.
This is the last post I head to NS,
Xpresser shall return here after it ends,
And un-dead this blog.
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