Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Close call

Some jokes I would to share,
Remember laughter is the best medicine,
[Since I'm having a flu currently]
Smile when your funny bones were tickled,
[A smile exercises part of the muscles in the face]
No wonder jokes were never enough.

~~Here is the first one~~
Helping Jeff doing some online registration,
I asked him what would you like for id and password,
He replied,
ID: jeff@hotmail.com
Password: mickeyrobinbatmantomjerrypopeyeLondon
Noticing the super long password he gave,
I asked "Why is the password so long?"
Jeff replied "Because it said I need 6 characters and 1 capital..."

Uncle Paul squabbles with his neighbour, Jon.
The case goes to court, and Paul is ordered to
apologize to his neighbour. He ask the judge
if he can do this by a phone call. The judge
says yes.
In the evening, Paul dials the neighbour's number:
Paul: Hello, may I speak with Michael?
Someone else: No, wrong number.
Paul: Then I'm sorry.

Maybe I'll continue next time....

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